Precipitate Lab

Lauren Kelly

Partner: Shanice Sproule

Mr. Chase

IB Chemistry

Sr(Cl)2 + CuSO4 --> SrSO4 + Cu(Cl)2


  1. Obtain the materials needed to perform this experiment.
  2. Place the funnel holder on the retort stand and place the funnel in one of the slots
  3. Place the folded funnel paper into the funnel. (First weigh the filter paper)
  4. Mix the three agents in one of the beakers until the crystals of the Strontium Chloride turns into fluffy clumps
  5. Pour the contents of the beaker into the filter carefully. If needed, use the stir stick to direct the liquid. Use De-Ionized water to rinse the remainder of the precipitate from the beaker into the filter.
  6. Wait until all the liquid is gone from the filter, then remove the filter paper and place it on the watch glass.
  7. Place the watch glass into the oven to dry the precipitate.
  8. After the precipitate is dry, weigh the filter paper and precipitate.
  9. Using the mass of the precipitate, calculate which factor is limiting in the experiment.
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Data Collection

Qualitative for reacting Strontium Chloride with water and Copper (II) Sulphate:

  • Water goes a light blue, like the copper powder
  • Crystals have expanded, they look fluffy, forming precipitate, blueish in colour

Qualitative results when filtering:

  • Precipitate is white with blue
  • Then went a green colour
  • Water is very blue
  • Precipitate got gooopy


  • 2g strontium chloride
  • 2g copper (II) sulphate
  • 75 ml water
  • Mass precipitate 0.522 g

Sr(Cl)2 + CuSO4 --> SrSO4 + Cu(Cl)2

SrSO4 precipitates in white crystals;
Cu(Cl)2 stays dissolved in water ...

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