Properties of Hydrocarbons – Alkanes and Alkenes

Aim: To demonstrate that different classes of organic molecules undergo different characteristic reactions.

Data Collection:

Conclusions and Evaluation:


The combustion experiment tested how well the hydrocarbons burned. Each of the compounds was put in a watch glass and burned. Cyclohexane was the cleanest burner because it had the least sootiness while also maintaining a bright flame. Toluene had the most sootiness and also had a very bright flame. It was difficult to identify the most efficient burner because different amounts of each compound were put in the watch glass causing them to burn for different times. However, I believe that although toluene was used at a greater quantity than the other two compounds, it would have burnt for the longest time if equal amounts were used.

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Cyclohexane, toluene and cyclohexene represented saturated, aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons respectively. The solubility test showed that all the types of hydrocarbons used are not soluble in water and are less dense than water because when I shook the mixtures, all the hydrocarbons settled on the upper of the two layers that were visible. I believe that the hydrocarbons were not soluble in water because the van der Waal’s forces that exist between its molecules are not strong enough to break the hydrogen bonding in water, which causes the two layers to form.

The solubility test in dichloromethane showed that ...

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