Synthesis of Aspirin

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Lab Report: Synthesis of Aspirin.    By Min.    


In the first part of the experiment was to synthesize quality of aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) and in the second part of the lab, the TCL plate was performed to confirm the identity of the aspirin and to detect any impurities.


Acetylsalicylic acid normally known as aspirin and often used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and lower fever. The first aspirin was synthesized in 1893 by Felix Hoffman and Arthur Eichengrün. There were about 325 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid in average tablet. [i] The chemical name of aspirin was 2-acetoxybenzoic acid and the structural formula was:


In this experiment aspirin (3) could be prepared by a slow reaction between salicylic acid (2) and ethanoic anhydride (also known as acetic anhydride) (1) with a small amount of catalyst, which in this experiment used sulphuric acid as the catalyst. [ii] The chemical equation was:

(CH3CO)2O (l) + C6H4(OH)COOH (l)  H+  CH3COOH (l) + C6H4(OCOCH3)COOH (l) [ii]

Reagents needed during experiment:

Salicylic acid

Ethanoic anhydride (acetic anhydride)

Concentrated sulphuric acid

Distilled water

Mixture of methanol: dichloromethane in the ratio of 1:8 by volume


Container of ice

Equipment needed during experiment:

1) For the 1st part of the lab:



Boiling tube


Test-tube holder

Steam bath

Fume cupboard

100cm3 conical flask

Glass rod

Buchner funnel


Filter funnel

Filter paper

Weighing dish

2) For the 2nd part of the lab:

Thin-layer chromatography (TCL plate)

Developing jar for containing TCL plate with a lid


Extremely fine disposable pipettes

Reflected ultra-violet light


Small, thin, screw topped sample bottles

Hazard reagents:


1st part of lab: preparing aspirin

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  • 2g of salicylic acid was weighted and put into a boiling tube with a thermometer
  • 4cm3 of ethanoic anhydride (acetic anhydride) was added to the boiling tube carefully. This procedure was performed in a fume cupboard. The mixture was stirred by thermometer gently and observation of the mixture and the read of the thermometer were recorded over the next 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, 5 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid was added to the mixture carefully by a glass pipette. This procedure was performed in the fume cupboard as well. The mixture was stirred by thermometer gently ...

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