Temperature Vs Rate of Reaction

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Rate of Reaction lab

Research Question: Does temperature affect the rate of reaction between two substances?

Dependant Variable: Rate of Reaction of solution
Independent Variable: Temperature of Reactants
Controlled Variables
Both reactants must have the same temperature
the same amount of both reactants must be used for each trial
The same calorimeter must be used throughout the experiment
the same color slide on the calorimeter must be used throughout the experiment
The reactants must not be contaminated before the reaction takes place

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80ml H₂S₂0₄  0.25 mol solution

80 ml HCl 1 mol solution

Calorimeter (with plastic containers)

Beakers (500ml and 250ml)

Test tubes

Graduated cylinders



6x Thermometres



Because I started my experiement with 1 mol solution of H₂S₂0₄ I had to dilute it down to 0.25 mol

Prior to the experiment, half an hour before starting turn on the calorimeter

  1. Measure 6ml of HCl and place it in a test tube
  2. Using a different graduated cylinder measure 6 ml of H₂S₂0₄ and place it in a separate labeled test tube
  3. Get the 500ml Beaker and ...

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