Gillian Ong

Economics HL

February 7th 2009

Critically assess the arguments for and against the increases liberalization of International Trade.

Refer in your answer to both less and more developed countries.

Liberalization within international trade would be defined as the removal of trade practices that put limits onto free trade. This would include Tariffs and Non-tariff Barriers.

There are two types of protectionism. The first one is Tariffs, Tariffs are a tax that is placed on goods as they move within trade, and these include duties, surcharges and subsidies. The other type of protectionism is Non-tariff Barriers, these are trade barriers that restrict imports, but aren’t the same as normal tariffs, and these including regulations, quotas, and arbitrary standards.

A trading bloc is an agreement internally by the government of a regional system, whereby tariffs and non-tariff barriers are reduced or eliminated. This is significant with regard to liberalization, as liberalization removes the tariffs and non-tariff barriers, while a trading bloc is the agreement within the government that organizes the removal of these trade barriers.

Comparative advantage is the ability for a person or country to produce a specific product at a lower opportunity cost than a competing person or country. The impact of trade liberalization on comparative advantage would be that it would benefit the countries involved. In the ideal example for comparative advantage, we assume that it is a free market, where countries are trading in perfect competition, with no barriers and tariffs. In the theory of comparative advantage, resource allocation is a key factor. When the tariffs and non-tariff barriers are removed, resources are produced with no restrictions, making it easier for countries to specialize. The countries now also don’t have to worry about costs, as they can trade freely. Therefore as more specialization occurs, it is easier for comparative advantage takes place. This form is the beneficial for most countries even though it isn’t always used.  

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Diversification is an important factor with regards to liberalization. Diversification is a way used by economists that reduces the firm’s risk by allocating investments variously. It helps firms try to maximize returns, because by allocating in different areas, there is a different reaction to the same event.

A worldwide policy that is used in many countries specifically less developed countries like India, is Import Substitution, this states that the countries try to rely less on imports from other countries, and try to produce more local goods and services. A reason that Import Substitution is unsuccessful could ...

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