The role of MNC headquarter

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Problem formulation

Globalization is placing production where it is most cost-effective, selling where it is most profitable, and getting capital from where it is cheapest. That is why multinational corporations exist. Globalization and the development of multinational corporations go hand in hand, with technology as main driver of this combined development. Company strategy has evolved over time, from the first multinational corporations. But what are the differences, and what is the main purpose of company headquarters today. That leads to the following questions to be examined in this scientific paper:
- How to define the role of the headquarter?
- What was the role of the MNC headquarter previously?
- What is the role of the MNC headquarter today?
- What is the main difference?
- How will the role of the MNC headquarter evolve over time?

The story of Multinational Corporations

As globalization become more and more important for each day, multinational corporations are becoming more interesting. Multinational corporations have offices, branches or manufacturing plants in different countries, but all of these are referring to headquarters. The reason for this is that Multinational Corporations produce where it is cheapest, sell where it is most profitable and are getting capital from where it is cheapest.

Several states that the multinational corporation is not a new thing, using the far-reaching trade routes documents that the multinational corporation easily could be over 2000 years old. The two most important factors for the increased globalization and thereby multinational corporations are transportation and communication. This development was not seen before 20th century, and therefore the development of the multinational corporation was first seen in this century.

The traditional economic approach with a company in a closed economy is no longer even thinkable, although there are still some more or less closed countries in the world. Now we have to look for one company who operates in several different markets across borders, creating new and exciting problems to solve.

To act in several different markets across borders, the role of the headquarter are very important. There are several ways to approach this problem, and with new a better ways of communicating total involvement from the headquarter might seem like the best idea at first. But with the improved opportunities for communicating, it is more easy for headquarter to involve more and more. But this could be a dangerous path, as it would completely remove local initiative and responsibility, as the following will examine.


To establish the role of the headquarter, we first need to establish responsibility, as these equals each other.

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You can divide a Multinational Corporation and its different offices, branches and manufacturing plants into local and global responsibility.

Local responsibility

In each country, the local subsidiary must be responsive to local customers, governments and regulatory agencies for its ongoing institutional legitimacy and economic success. Every single subsidiary must be aware of the local environment, and react to changes.

Global responsibility

There is on the other hand, also a need for a global responsibility, as the main purpose of globalization is acting across borders. There are several reasons as multinational clients, suppliers, competitors and such. These linkages across national boundaries ...

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