Essay on Atmospheric Circulation

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What is the influence of atmospheric circulation on the distribution of the world’s biomes?

Throughout the world there are different biomes. The six major biomes are as follows: tundra, desert, rainforest, freshwater, marine and grassland. There are more types of biome, however these are much smaller and only occur occasionally. Biomes are made up of ecosystems, animals, plants etc. The world’s biomes are controlled – or rather dependant on, the type of climate that surrounds them. For instance, in a tropical climate, you are more likely to find a rainforest than tundra landscape. Equally, you would not expect to find a desert in a temperate climate.

Climate is, for the larger part, controlled by the atmospheric circulation in that area of the world. Climates are based on the hot and cold air regions, formed by the different circulation by the Trade winds and Westerlies. A definition of this is: “Climate is the characteristic condition of the atmosphere near the earth's surface at a certain place on earth.” This particular quote shows us that the atmosphere actually makes up at least one part of the climate. If we look at the way the atmosphere circulates around the earth, we can link climate and biomes to atmospheric circulation, and its influence on it.

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The trade winds north of the equator blow from the northeast and the trade winds south of the equator from the southeast. When they meet at the equator, the air rises, and as it rises it cools, forming rain clouds. These rain clouds are the cause of the moist tropical weather – hot and wet – that occurs near to the equator. These places are home to the rainforest biomes.  

Westerlies, on the other hand, blow from the southwest in the northern hemisphere, and from the northwest in the southern hemisphere. They move storms across from east ...

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