Main Topic: Make people aware of the importance of water in our lives

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Maria Renee Simon

Sacred Waters

Main Topic: Make people aware of the importance of water in our lives


  • Water is vital in our diets
  • Sacred water can heal, bless, purify and revive
  • Everything is related to water and the world has the same water it had million years ago


Water is so sacred because it purifies, rejuvenates, cleanses, and heals. Spirits occupy the waters and require respect or esteem. From the droplets in a baptism to the scattering of ashes on a holy river, water blesses and shapes human lives. From drinking it to praising it, how we use water can tell a lot about our culture and religion. Our body as well as our soul needs water to keep living.

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Water is life; every wonder is reflected by water. We entered the world in a burst of liquid and when we die we are washed and buried in a moist floor. Water is a representation of life and without water the wonders of the world could not be reflected. All around us we can see how water influences our world. Creek banks, ponds, waterfalls, droplets in our garden; water is everywhere. The same water that the dinosaurs drank millions of years ago falls from the sky today. The Earth is as moist as it was many years ago. We can ...

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