
        Raspberries are little red berries, sold all over the world during the summer months. They originated from Russia, where they grow in the woods as a wild berry. They now grow in the wild all across eastern europe, and over the time farmers have come to farming the raspberry plants to produce sweeter and bigger berries. Raspberry is an easy crop to farm, as with the right climate it does require a lot of  care compared to most other fruits, however still gives a farmer a lot of profit. Raspberry doesn't grow well at all in the west of Europe, and Serbia is one of the main distributors of organic raspberry amongst most west and central european countries. To farm raspberry, the soil needs to be very fertile, light in texture, slightly loamy, and most importantly, it must have a constant supply of moisture which needs to reach pretty high up near the surface. Raspberry farming is very common in Serbia, as it's climate and a lot of it's land has got the perfect conditions to grow raspberries.

        Once raspberry is planted on a field, it spreads across very easily, so there is not need to worry about replanting or plants dying out. It has a fragile root system located near to the ground, which is a problem if the water isn't well drained, however otherwise it is very stable. The harvest starts in late june and ends in late july, giving farmers a month's time to collect the main harvest. Raspberries can be planted both in Autumn and spring, and already from the second (very rarely first) year the plants start giving berries. Raspberries are very water-loving plants, and can be planted and harvested in one place for up to 10-25 years, however only the first 12 or so years will have good productivity, as in for only the first 12 years the plants will give good berries that can be exported to other countries according to European standards.

Physical inputs:

        The relief of Serbia varies from north to south. The south of Serbia is mainly filled up with mountain ranges which aren't very suitable for farming, however the northern part, called Vojvodina, is flat lowland, which is really good for farming, especially for crops that need a lot of sunlight in their blooming/ripening season. The best tilt to the equator for raspberries to grow is around 2-3 degrees, which is exactly the case for most of Vojvodina, meaning the plants get a lot of sunshine.

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        The Vojvodina region is also brushed through with lots of rivers coming from the mountains and therefore the soil is well drained, causing the land to be very fertile and fullfilling the requirement of constantly moisturized soil (mentioned in the introduction). The soil is called chernozem, which is a type of soil listed amongst the most fertile sorts in the world. It is really good for growing fruits and berries as it contains a lot of humus, and very high percentages of phosphorus and ammonia.

        Serbia is located in the south of east europe, therefore it has a relatively warm ...

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