The causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect and assessment of the difficulties in reducing its impacts.

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Examine the causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect and assess the difficulties in reducing its impacts.

        The greenhouse effect is a very serious phenomenon, nowadays happening on the Earth. It’s still present in media as a problem which we have to deal with and, furthermore, which we need to minimalize in order to protect our planet. However, is it true that the greenhouse effect is very dangerous for us and we’re threatened? First, let’s quote the general definition of the greenhouse effect.

“The greenhouse effect refers to the change in the  temperature of a planet by the presence of an  containing gas that absorbs and emits . , which include water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, warm the atmosphere by efficiently absorbing thermal infrared radiation emitted by the  surface, by the atmosphere itself, and by .”

As we see, the greenhouse effect contributes to the temperature changes on the Earth, generally warming our planet up. In the definition there are general causes of the existence of this phenomenon, referring to the greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and CFCs). However, there’s a need to focus on the causes in detail.

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        There are both natural and human-induced causes of the greenhouse effect. Of course, because of the natural circulation of elements, there are a lot of emissions of gases like CO2, nitrous oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere. In fact, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, totally normal for the Earth. Also, actually we couldn’t live without it and it’s advantageous for us living on the Earth. Why? It was estimated that, without the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the Earth’s surface would be approximately -18ºC, thus that are the conditions in which the current environmental ecosystems couldn’t ...

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