The Living Conditions of Afghan women under the Taliban Force

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Itsu Karo 1

The Living Conditions of Afghan women under the Taliban Force

These days, hopeless living conditions of Afghan women under the brutal Taliban rule are becoming a rising issue. Amnesty International calls Afghanistan under the Taliban “a human right catastrophe” and Afghan women, who struggle to survive, describe themselves as the “living dead” (Goodwin). Their lives have turned to despair and disaster when the Taliban took over the city of Kabul in September 1996 and shows their brutal system of gender apartheid (Hanford). While the Taliban shows their control over every aspect of Afghan women’s lives, Afghan women suffer from receiving inhuman and unequal treatment. As violence against Afghan women increases as Taliban force strengthened, this issue catches attention of many people around the world. Some people blame Afghanistan government and Taliban force for the poor living condition of women in Afghanistan and try to make advice to improve their situation, on the other hand there are people who consider arguing over gender issue is too dangerous and unimportant. The growing strength of Taliban is deteriorating Afghan women’s living conditions by taking away their basic human rights, opportunities to get proper education and not making any law or punishment preventing Afghan women’s rights.

Taliban shows their violence by depriving Afghan women’s fundamental human rights. Afghan women do not have right to decorate themselves and behave as they want. The Taliban’s banning women wearing makeup or other things to decorate themselves, laughing, walking and talking loudly shows the harsh rule of Taliban (Goodwin). Women who violate these rules are considered as committing social offenses and get punished. Women also do not have right to decide their future especially in marriage due to the belief of patriarchal cultures. According to the patriarchal culture women are treated as creatures that lack wisdoms and judgments therfore they cannot decide matters related to their lives (Emadi). Inhuman treatment towards women points out women’s status in Afghan society which is probably lower than livestock. Furthermore, Afghan women are forced to hide inside and cover their whole body with the burqa all the time. Women are prohibited from being seen and heard that the windows of their homes were painted and they could not appear in public unless wearing the burqa. Women were beaten, even killed for minor violations of these rules. (Hanford). The poor living conditions of Afghan women which is controlled cruelly by the Taliban force reveals the Taliban’s beliefs that women are no use and worthless.

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In addition to the Taliban’s seizure of fundamental rights of Afghan women, the Taliban shows their ruthless restrictions by banning women’s education. The Taliban uses violence to prevent female students attending school. Getting proper education is one of the most important things in one’s life, but the Taliban takes away this opportunities from Afghan women. The Taliban’s strong opposition of education for girls is also shown in recent event that the Taliban blew up four schools in Pakistan trying to show their opposition against female education. Many young women in Pakistan have been prevented from going to school by Taliban ...

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