To what extent could Keralas approach in controlling population group be applied to other parts of the world such as China, Nigeria or others?

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To what extent could Kerala’s approach in controlling population group be applied to other parts of the world such as China, Nigeria or others?

Family planning refers to attempts to limit family size. Family planning methods include contraceptives such as the pill as well as drastic methods such as forced sterilization, abortion and infanticide. Kerala had spectacular success in limiting fertility without any strong regulation like China or even any financial support, incentives like other parts of India. Improving of the quality of people living in rural areas was considered to be a que of economic development.

India was one of the first countries to attempt an aggressive family program as far back as the 1950’s, but the results of such a policy have been mixed over the last six decades. While the population growth in India has slowed in certain provinces, it remains largely outpaced by continuing exponential population growth. The success of government-backed promotion of birth control has had limited by a number of factors, but the most important of these has been, according to the World Health Organization, which is largely supportive of family-planning programs: high level of illiteracy, poor access to information, poverty, and gender-based disparities serve as significant barriers to family planning. These include social stereotypes, lack of male involvement in family planning, and continuing discrimination against the girl.

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Kerala, still a poor province, differs from the rest of India in a number of ways. Its life expectancy is 10 years longer than the rest of India(73 years as opposed to 63 years), the infant mortality rate is much lower than in the rest of India, literacy is almost universal(97%)and women are as educated as men and have important positions in local politics. By comparison, in 1990, the male and female literacy rates for India were 62% and 34%.Kerala has been politically dominated by Communists. Kerala does not reject birth control as a strategy for leveling off the population. ...

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A good review of the population policies in Kerala and China. However, the overview of Nigeria tends to focus on what the country is like rather than the population policy. Does attempt to answer the question but a greater focus on what the question is asking would improve this answer. 3 stars