Water Shortages in Australia and the Government's Response.

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                Andrea Diaz

1.Identify a global problem that you have studied, explain what measures have been taken to address the problem and say whether they have been successful. (N 2004)

One of the many global problems is the Millennium Development Goals, which are goals set by the United Nation on the year 2000. The United Nations set 8 goals to be met by 2015; one of the goals is Environmental Sustainability. Environmental Sustainability, Goal 7 is the idea of living in a world that is sustainable by it self. Goal 7 has 3 targets, target one is to integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources. One of the main resources in the earth is water as it is considered to be the source of life. Water is a scarce resource even though in the earth there are 1,360,000,000 km3 of water. Only fresh water is drinkable to humans and animals, and only 3% of the earth’s water is fresh water, that’s why water is scarce resource. Another problem that affects the source of fresh water is global warming as more than 60% of the earth’s fresh water is found in glaciers, and as temperature in the earth rises the glaciers are melting, mixing the fresh water with the ocean’s salty water. The Commonwealth of Australia is a country that has managed to integrate into his country policies and programs useful ideas and restrictions to manage the usage of water in order to use it wisely and reverse the loss.

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According to the Australian “Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts”, who was assigned the organization of the nation-wide policies and programs regarding water, Australia’s total supply of water is 336,117 Gl. In the UN 2005 Summit it was stated that Australia’s total consumption of water in 2001 had been about 22,000 Gl and almost 15,000 Gl were used on agriculture, that means that 67% of the water consumed in 2001 was for agriculture. The government managed to reduce the water consumption in agriculture by imposing several laws and restrictions and in 2008 less than 7,000 Gl of water ...

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