Analyse the causes that constituted the rise of Peron

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Analyse the causes that constituted the rise of Peron?

There are many causes which enabled Juan Domingo Peron to establish himself as the sole ruler of Argentina. Whither these are long term causes such as the political instability created by previous regimes, USA protectionism and WWI or short term causes as his own ability to climb up the ladder of political force, WWII and his commitment with the army. The main reason for his success in consolidating his regime was that that he succeeded in promoting his policy of Justicialismo satisfying the demands from both the extreme nationalists and the industrialist’s. These; combined with the role  in “building Peron’s social image” Clive Foss enabled him to establish himself as the autocratic ruler by 1946.

By 1943; Argentina had been ruled by 5 political leaders who failed in providing a stable political rule. These rulers not only failed politically but also failed to bring social justice and economic stability increasing the discontent of both extreme nationalists and industrialists.

Since the coup of 1930 made by Yrigoyen; passing through the rule of Augusto P Justo in 1932 against Uriburu the governments were meant to fail by the rapid increasing social gap between the rich and the poor. The infamous decade; ruled by the Concordancia marked the alienation of the extremes in which none were truly satisfied. The First World War followed by USA protectionism in the 1920’s contributed in devastating Argentina’s economy. Exports decreased; imports decreased and conditions within the domestic market were reflected in the people’s despair leading to class struggle.

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In 1937 Ramón Castillo assumed the power of an unstable country with a weak economy. At first exports and economic growth rose due to the natures of WWII; however in 1941 Castillo made a huge error within his foreign policy that cost him his rule. He broke international relations with Japan, Germany and Italy; this was seen by the public as “una gran estupidez” (great stupid action) because it increased the already weak economy by narrowing Argentina’s field of trade. WWII was responsible to increase Peron’s “cult of personality” because he became the face of Argentina in the Post - ...

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