Articles of Confederation Essay

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The Articles of Confederation

Success comes from failures; throughout history, great nations have learned from their past defeats and have emerged victorious. The United States of America is no exception. With the collapse of the colonial governments, the beginnings of the federal union in 1774 commenced and an alliance formed between the 13 colonies. A preliminary constitution was drafted, also known as the Articles of Confederation. It is widely regarded as a failure but it led to the creation of the constitution that we have today. The Articles of Confederation was written to unify the states; in the process, the document encountered various failures and accomplishments.

There is strength in numbers so the newly formed government of the New Americas decided to unify the states. The union between the states proved successful in the American Revolution hence it was logical that they would stay connected.  The Articles of Confederation was designed specifically to legally bond the states together under one authority. Yet each individual state “[retains] its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right…”  To all outward appearances, there are contradictions in the document. However, the new-found country is merely settling a balance of powers between the state and federal government; the state will have individual power while the federal government will supervise the country as a whole. Under the reign of King George III, the colonists had different obstacles. With independence, came new problems. Therefore, the Articles of Confederation finds solutions to the grievances that were previously mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.  The colonists pioneered to establish a state government with democratic tendencies. Taken from the Articles of Confederation, they adamantly insisted on electing, “ …members of the committee of the United States.” to participate in Congress.  Before 1774, the colonists were held under oppression by the British. They are preventing another mutiny by insuring that the individual people and states have a voice in government through elected officials.  

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        Although the implementation Articles of Confederation was more of a learning experience, it also had a few accomplishments during the way. The political document allowed the 13 colonies to take small steps towards becoming a confederation. They began to communicate and collaborate. In order for a law to be passed, nine out of the 13 states must have had to vote in favor it.  Representatives from each colony must have agreed to some degree in order for the government to run smoothly. They built new relationships and maintained connections. While they were working together, the states maintained their separate governments. ...

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