
  1. Introduction

Epicureanism is a philosophical system based on the teachings of Greek philosopher Epicurus. Its fundamental presents pleasure as the supreme good and ultimate goal of life.

  1. Physics

Since true happiness lies in the serenity that results from the issue of fear, namely fear of the gods, death and life after death, the purpose of all speculation on the epicurean nature of the issue Man such fears.

As a complete system, Epicureanism thus has a physical theory, submitted for ethics review, which aims to rid the world of the divine and other mythical presence.

Epicurean physics is atomistic, it revives the tradition of Leucippus and Democritus. Epicurus sees the universe as infinite and eternal and composed only of body and space. Among the bodies, some compounds, other atoms or elements are stable and indivisible. They are the incorporation of compound bodies. The world, as the human eye perceives it, is the result of vortices, collisions and aggregations of atoms, each of which has only shape, size and weight.

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In biology, Epicurus prefigures the modern doctrine of natural selection. He said the natural forces give rise to different types of organisms, and only those who are able to support themselves and spread can survive.

  1. Theory of Knowledge :

To be liberated from fear and achieve happiness, men must learn to know the world. This knowing activity is first done, according to Epicurus, through sensations.

Epicurean psychology is decidedly materialistic. it claims that sensations are caused by a continuous stream of particles (or "simulacra") that bodies emit and which affect our senses. All sensations are reliable; the error arises ...

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