Essay plan Mao and Hitler. Compare and contrast the rise to power of two rulers of single party states.

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Essay Plan Mao. Compare and contrast the rise to power of two rulers of single party states.

Thesis: Hitler and Mao’s rise to power differed mainly on their political career and party leadership. Yet both shared strong ideologies, which helped them in their rise to power.

Paragraph 1: Both Hitler and Mao used propaganda in order to address the middle classes and peasants, who represented the majority of the population.

  • Hitler: Lebensraum - attract working class. Mein Kampf - master Aryan race. Anti-Semite polices – attract NSADP members (1920 – 20 members, 1928 – 108,000 members).
  • Mao: The Eight Rules of Discipline - approach to the peasants. Cult of Mao – peasants, who represented 95% of the Chinese population, worshiped Maoism (1937 CCP 100,000 had members, 1945 CCP had 1.2 million members).
  • Interpretation: David Welch – propaganda is always key in the rise to power of any single state, especially that which involves the cult of a leader, where such leader is presented as mystical.
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Paragraph 2: Mao possessed political knowledge, experience and leadership, while Hitler had no proper understanding of the political, thus was very opportunistic and lucky.

  • Mao: Myth of the Long March – gain popularity and respect, while appealing to the mandate of heaven. PLA’s guerrilla tactics – defeated the KMT and proved Mao as a strategic leader.
  • Hitler: Declining support for the Nazi Party – middle classes afraid of its extreme violence (July 1932 Nazi’s had 230 seats, November 1932 Nazi’s had 196 seats).
  • Interpretation: Ron Rosenbaum argues that Hitler’s rise to power was strongly based on a ...

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