For this investigation I will be researching and analysing art in the 19th century, specifically, Realism and Romanticism

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Nick Whyte

25th January 2011

History-Section A-Aim

        For this investigation I will be researching and analysing art in the 19th century, specifically, Realism and Romanticism. To reach my aim I will use books, including the World History, and also sources on the internet, such as encyclopaedias. To keep my sources organized I will type them up with each source clearly noted under each set of notes retrieved from that source. Also each source I will evaluate and source correctly to determine how reliable it may be. My guiding question for this investigation is, to what extent did Realism and Romanticism effect the changes of the 19th century?

Section B- Evidence

In the early 1800’s many changes were beginning throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Two very important and controversial shifts that were happening were the formation of the artistic movements, Romanticism and Realism. These two movements changed the way that society would look at things and act towards art, music and literature; it also began the movement away from paintings always being religiously focused.

The Romantic Movement reflected the industrial changes, of imagination and individuality. It showed life as what the artist pictured it rather than of what it actually was. The movement was also known for valuing emotion and instinct above reason. The Romantic Movement was inspired and began in the cultures that many composers came from.  For example, Ludwig van Beethoven, who grew up in Germany, one of the big contributing countries to the romantic era, was one sources of inspiration. In Beethoven’s pieces many different romantic themes were portrayed, including love for nature (“Pastoral Symphony), liberty and freedom (“Fidelio”), and power and passion of emotions. Another few examples of Romantic art forming was that of Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt and Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky creating very emotional music of which the lyric quality focused on romantic poetry, expressing beautiful piano to include many gypsy songs and dances from the past in their compositions. These compositions usually being built around stories, for example Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, was based on Napoleons defeat in Russia.

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        Also during the same time that romanticism began the realist movement began. Also occurring due to the social and economic problems of the Industrial Revolution, realism portrayed life as it really was not being idealized in the artistic process, without embellishment. Realist artists would portray scenes of suffering, misery, or ugliness. They did not differ from portraying sordid images in their art and brought many household problems to their stage. Also as romanticism could not relate to the lives of ordinary people, realism was able to. Some famous realist artists include, Gustave Flaubert, Mary Ann Evans, and George Eliot. ...

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