Historical Investigation: To what extent did the Taiwanese population benefit from Japans agricultural developments during the Japanese colonial period, 1895~1945?

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Contents Page

Section                                                                                                  Page

A:         Plan of the Investigation                                                                                2

B:         Summary of Evidence                                                                                        3

C:          Evaluation of Sources                                                                                        6

D:          Analysis                                                                                                        8

E:          Conclusion                                                                                                        10

F:         List of Sources                                                                                                11

Appendix I

Examples of Establishments vital for assisting agricultural growth                        12

Appendix II

Images of Taiwanese farmers oppressed by the Japanese                                        13

Appendix III

Original text of source B                                                                                        14

  1. Plan of the investigation

The aim of this investigation is to analyse the extent to which the Taiwanese population benefitted from Japan’s economic development during the Japanese colonial period, 1895~1945. This topic was chosen because Taiwan’s recent economic transformation has attracted attention from scholars, and being a Taiwanese citizen I hoped to gain a better understanding of what my ancestors experienced.

First, a summary of the economic changes the Japanese made to improve Taiwan’s economy will be given. The effects of these changes on the Taiwanese economy will be subsequently outlined. Then, the effects which the native Taiwanese felt as a result of the reforms will be outlined.

The sources which will be analysed are data on the agricultural output between 1901~1945 compiled by Samuel Pao-San Ho and a translation of a newspaper extract on the effect of Japanese reforms on native Taiwanese, including the latter’s feelings. An analysis will then be made on the effect of the development on the economy and on the feelings of the Taiwanese. This will become the basis of the conclusion, which is that the Taiwanese only truly benefited from Japanese economic reforms after the Japanese Colonial Period, 1895~1945.


  1. Summary of evidence
  1. In 1895 Taiwan’s economy was fragmented because transportation, communication and currency were disorganized. Practically all of Taiwan’s “factors of production in 1895 were engaged in subsistence agriculture”, and the economy was backward.
  2. Taiwan’s economy was virtually agriculture-based. Thus, economic and agricultural reforms could be used synonymously The Japanese initiated agricultural reforms in Taiwan in their aim to produce cheap materials Japan needed for modernization. These reforms include:
  1. Constructions such as “railroads, harbours, roads, water housing, banking” which modernized Taiwan’s agriculture.
  2. Investments – expanded irrigation, introduction of modern technology and establishment of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in 1903 all assisted agricultural and thus economic growth.
  3. Establishments vital for assisting agricultural growth such as health facilities, and native Taiwanese benefitted from them as well as immigrated Japanese. 
  4. A few “large, modern, heavily capitalized enterprises” solely controlled by the Japanese.
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  1. One of Japan’s main aims in Taiwan was to increase agricultural exports to Japan, but without replenishing Taiwan’s productions.
  2. Taiwanese economy improved considerably during the Japanese colonial period. The effects on the economy and workforce are as follows:
  1. With the exception of the period during WWII, Taiwan’s agricultural and industrial output increased steadily during this period. For example, output in rice and sugar increased dramatically.
  2. Improvement in GDE came about largely because exports, which “played an important role in economic growth” increased substantially.
  3. Although the agricultural and thus economic advancement ...

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