How was Mussolini able to gain office by 1922

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How was Mussolini able to gain office by 1922?

Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is one of the creators of fascist. He became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and in the following document, I will discuss how he has been able to reach such a status.

Since the unification of Italy in 1870, the country had been in a period of great instability that was called ‘transformiso’. During this period the government was so disturb that there was a new prime minister nearly every sixth month. This weakened the country economically and created a general discontent amongst the population. When the First World War broke out, the government saw the opportunity to refurbish the status of Italy both nationally and internationally by gaining territory and by helping the allies to win the war. They prepared everything in a secret arrangement called “Treaty of London” in 1915. Unfortunately Woodrow Wilson would not acknowledge secret treaties. Therefore, after the peace treaty was signed on 10 September 1919 Italy came away from a war in which it had put resources and lives and got in return a fraction of that promised. This "mutilated victory" left Italy demoralised and blaming the Prime Minister, Vittorio Orlando and the government who they saw as being traitorous. Orlando was forced to resign after the terms of the peace agreement were revealed. The period 1919-1921 is known as The Two Red Years (il Bienno Rosso) during this time elections saw the Socialist Party and the newly established Catholic Party gaining in support as Italians started to attribute the blame for the losses in WW1 to the liberal party. One of the territories they didn’t get was Fiume and in 1919 a Nationalist led some troupes to take over the city. He held Fiume for 15 months and became unintentionally a symbol for the Fascist party and Mussolini later took D'Annunzios beliefs and made them his own.

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On 23 March 1919 the Fasci di Combattimento was formed by Benito Mussolini. Consisting of nationalistic war veterans who had come home to no jobs. They posed as champions of law and order, violently attacking communists, socialists and other progressive and radical groups. They made their violent debut on April 15 1919 attacking the office of Avanti, a Socialist party newspaper, where Mussolini had previously worked as editor. By 1920 and 1921 organised Fascist violence was ordinary. It was directed against Socialist Unions and Catholic peasant leagues as well as left wing shops, newspapers, and offices. Physical violence and humiliation ...

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