Influences of the Roman and Germanic peoples on Contemporary Western Society

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Influences of the Roman and Germanic peoples on Contemporary Western Society

        The Roman and Germanic Societies were the two groups of people that gave modern European civilization its foundation to become what it is. Their practises of government, economics and society are all reflected in modern Europe and the Americas.  These two groups in particular contributed the most in the cultural unification of Europe by spreading their languages and cultures by conquest and acquisition of surrounding territory. Many governmental practises were first applied in the Germanic and Roman cultures- Feudalism developed out of their respective practices of Hereditary Monarchy and the Democracy. Finally, one of the effects of these groups that is still very evident today is the spreading of Christianity throughout Europe and into Scandinavia and Siberia.

        The Roman Republic and Empire, in particular, is well-remembered for its aggressive annexation of land. Much of their territory was conquered by military strength and tact. Rome was the first government to build major roadways for their armies to march quickly and efficiently to the borders of their realm. This is still recalled today by the phrase 'All roads lead to Rome'. The process of cultural integration, in which conquered or acquired peoples would eventually adopt the Roman way of life, is referred to as Romanization, an influence that was even seen along the coast of Africa. This, above all else, contributed the most to the integration of the previously scattered and disconnected peoples of Europe. Many areas that had been ruled by local kings or princes was often willed to the Roman Empire, as many rulers recognized the great growing power and wished their people to be part of it voluntarily, rather than by conquest.

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        The Germanic people were apparently the first anywhere west of Arabia to practice any form of political Monarchy, after which many European governments have been modeled; both the Feudal and National Monarchy are direct descendants of the Germanic Monarchy. Upon their collision with the Roman Empire, the principal diffused through the Catholic Church. A Germanic Monarch was also the head of the local religious following, a system which would also later be used in European Government, notably the Protestant Church of England. Rome, after its own monarchial period, adopted the form of Republic and eventually Empire. Within these governments were ...

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