Revision notes . Napoleon - Reasons for Second Coalition

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Reasons for Second Coalition – Austria

  • First Coalition
  • One of the many reasons as to why Austria was part of the Second coalition was because of the fact that they were part of the first coalition.
  • The war of the first coalition started in the year 1793 and ended on 1797. In October 1797 the Treaty of Campo Formio was signed between France and Austria.
  • This treaty resulted in France taking control of numerous Austrian territories. The lands that France took possession of included the Austrian Netherlands (which is now Belgium), a few Mediterranean islands, as well as northern Italy.
  • As a result of this treaty, France also expanded its borders to the Rhine.
  • There was also a hate towards the French because of the assassination of Marie Antoinette.
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  • Sister of Hapsburg Emperor Leopold II  
  • Aunt of Francis II
  • Austrians still wanted revenge against the revolutionaries.
  • Stop the spread of the French Revolutionary Ideas
  • After the War of the First Coalition, France had the ability to expand its borders into many of the other European Countries. It was against any monarchy governing a country, and therefore began to introduce its own revolutionary ideas on other countries.
  • France forced Austria to recognize the Cisalpine Republic, and the Ligurian Republic (Northern Italy).
  • During the year of 1789, France had decided to invade Switzerland to ...

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