The influence of socialism on the development of universal human rights

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Socialism and the development of the                                                 Human Rights Essay
universal human rights agenda in the Industrial Age

Socialism and the development of the universal
human rights agenda in the Industrial Age

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Henry David Thoreau, Claude Henri Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier and Robert Owen, to mention just a few important persons in the socialistic history. Claude Henri Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier and Robert Owen are even considered as the starters of the modern socialism, though they were ‘utopian in their belief that peaceful cooperation between classes was possible under capitalism’. These three people, grown up in a world in which the industrial sector rapidly developed. The Industrial Revolution has had a great influence of the development of this upcoming political stream. But what influence had socialism in particularly the development of human rights during the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century?

In the beginning of the 19th century the agriculture received a big boost by the introduction of new production processes like using fertilizers. The production process changed from a labor-intensive basis to a more capital-intensive basis and therefore the poor people, who were used to work in the agriculture, were almost forced to migrate to the cities in the hope to improve their standards of living. In the cities were the big manufactories, which needed lots of labor resources. The migration of these ‘workers’ thus was good for the city, but the gap between the rich and the poor grew massively. Not only men, but also children and women worked long hours in the different coal, steel, mine and textile industries and this development started the socialistic thinking.

Throughout the years the perspective of  working in these most of the times unsafe, unhealthy, unclean factories changed. It created a social problem, as the city as a whole became in fact a big factory. Smog and social gaps were serious problems. Attitudes of people changed, and industrialists’ interests started to be privileged over those of landowners during the nineteenth century. The socialist approach was that people had social rights, which varied from limited hours of working, rules about child and woman labor, etc. After 1830 the working class turned increasingly to socialism, as they saw that socialism would be a political stream which would come up for their desired rights. In different countries, like France, England and Belgium people started rioting, resulting in different acts, which I will mention later in this essay.

After a few passed acts between 1830 and 1847, the hope for political and welfare reforms and human rights created by socialism grew by the 1848 revolutions. Socialists assumed leading positions in the human rights struggle in the nineteenth century. With the establishment of the First International in 1864 by socialists and anarchists, workers’ political and economic rights were for the first time endorsed and actively promoted by an institution with representatives from around the whole world. The First International regarded the state as centralist and authoritarian by nature. It happened, as Karl Marx aimed it, that there were more secular and international labor movements created and the passing of social welfare laws did happen. The socialist Ferdinand Lasalle stated “It is the state, whose function it is to carry on this development of freedom, this development of the human race until its freedom is reached”.

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The state thus has a central role in the eyes of the socialists. Through the growing working class which supported socialism, the political stream received a bigger suffrage of how the state should be governed. In the next paragraphs I will speak more about the human rights and socialists, especially about the acts and laws the socialists brought into the political system in the nineteenth century and how they achieved these improvements for the development of human rights.

The start of the socialist thinking connected with human rights is when the Congress of Vienna takes place in 1815. In the ...

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