Last Days of Troy

The mighty Troy fell because of the tragic love of Paris for Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships. What possessed Paris to pursue a woman who belonged to Menelaus, King of Sparta, a friend to his father Priam, King of Troy.In those times, gods and goddesses played with the emotions and weaknesses of human beings. Paris was smitten by Helen, thanks to influence of the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Helen's father, King Tyndareus of Argos, failed to honor the goddess satisfactorily. Eros shot an arrow of potion to the lovers under the direction of Aphrodite.

Paris brought Helen home to Troy. This day marked the end of Troy. Menelaus asked Agamemnon to help him take back his wife . Agamemnon had other plans. This is the chance of a lifetime to invade the invincible Troy. The war lasted ten years .

The Trojans proved their might at first, under the leadership of Hector. But as the war went on, there were thousands of casualties on both sides. Patroclus was a warrior very dear to Achilles. He was killed by Hector in battle. Achilles was enraged and swore to kill Hector.

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Achilles rode his chariot to the walls of Troy and challenged Hector to a fight. He was certain Hector would pay for slaying Patroclus. Hector was one of the finest warriors not only of Troy. He lost his life under Achilles sword. Hector was the prince of Troy, commander of Troy's army.

Achilles showed no respect to the body of the slain Hector. He dragged it around, all the way to his camp where he left the body outside his camp. Hector's body was kept safe from predators, thanks to the intervention of Venus who kept him safe, day ...

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