To what extent was Germany responsible for WWI?

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To what extent was Germany responsible for WWI?

Many countries were involved in WWI, Germany being one of them. It is debatable as to whether Germany was responsible for the outbreak of WWI as Fritz Fischer would argue it or rather the responsibility of individual countries such as Britain, Russia, France, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans collectively. However, this essay Germany was responsible to a significantly large extent for WWI due to underlying reasons that built up over the course of time that led up to WWI.

Fritz Fischer is a historian who argues that Germany’s desire for world power was the reason for the outbreak of WWI. Germany had plans for a war before the 1914 crisis and merely used the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as an excuse to put them into practice. Germany also deliberately encouraged Austrian war plans to provoke a crisis in which it could solve the problems of ‘encirclement’ by France and Russia, dominate Europe and expand its territories. France and Russia signed a full military defensive alliance in 1892-95 which opened up the possibility of a two-front war, given Germany’s geographical location between these two very powerful enemies which it would be likely to lose. In addition, France resented the defeat of 1870-71 and the seizure of Alsace-Lorraine by Germany. Hence, the French had a desire for revenge which Germany had to be constantly aware of. As a result, Germany developed the Schlieffen Plan which involved a rapid thrust through Belgium into northern France, an attack which would lead to victory, after which forces would be taken meet the threat from Russia on the assumption that they would be slower to mobilize. Germany had signed to a defensive alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879 and this support did not die out; in 1909, Germany lent support to Austrian policy in the Balkans, alienating Russia. If Russia drove Austria out of Serbia and established itself in the Balkans, Germany’s security would be undermined. Furthermore, if France gave support and retook Alsace-Lorraine, this would make it worse. Germany risked war against France and Russia to support Austria in hope that action against Serbian terrorism would not lead to a general war when Russia would be stronger, Germany would rather bring about a swift victory on the basis of a well-trained and well-equipped German army following a careful plan.

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Germany also sparked a crisis where he seemed to be challenging the colonial friendship treaty of 1904 between France and Britain by issuing a statement of support for Moroccan independence. This was then followed by the formation of the Triple Entente, which brought forth Germany’s threat of ‘encirclement.’ Germany did not then stop at that. A German gunboat arrived in Agadir when there was a local uprising. German naval action challenged French troops, which also caused anxiety in Britain as they feared Germany wanted to set up a naval base in Agadir. German decision on naval expansion since 1898 resulted ...

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