US History. Shay's Rebellion and NW Ordinance

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Shay's Rebellion

        Farmers suffered from high debt as they start new farms. “Unlike many other state legislatures in the 1780s, the Massachusetts government didn't respond to the economic crisis by passing PRO-DEBTOR LAWS (like forgiving debt and printing more PAPER MONEY).” This caused local sheriffs to seize many farms and farmers who couldn't pay their debts and were put in prison.        

        This led to the first major armed rebellion in the post-Revolutionary United States. Americans resisted high taxes and unresponsive government which was far away, but this time, Massachusetts settlers who were angry with a republican government in Boston, rather than with the British government.

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        Farmers in western Massachusetts organized their resistance in ways similar to the American Revolutionary struggle. Leadership of Daniel Shays, a former captain in the Continental Army.

        Governor of Massachusetts organized a military force funded by eastern merchants to confront rebels. They crushed the movement in t1786-1787 as the Shaysites quickly fell apart when faced with a strong army organized by the state. The rebellion disintegrated quickly, but the underlying social forces which propelled the action remained. Debtors' discontent was widespread and similar actions occurred on a smaller scale in Maine.


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