A Cycle of Change

 A brush of chalk, a stroke of paint, he draws

a picture of a world beyond our own

Some step, some spit, and wreck the work that was

No grief or pain, just directions unknown

Like winds, he blows a place to others, ne’er

relinquishing the pen that writes his fate

Nor succumbing to intimate prayer

For home or roots, afraid of change irate

Then came the task of ultimate alter

An alteration, latrine to holy  

But change so great caused his mind to falter

Falter his being ever so slowly

Stuck between light and dark, feelings so strange

But he’s ill at ease, a cycle of change




Analyzing a Cycle of Change  

        “A Cycle of Change” is based on the experiences of the pavement artist in “Such a Long Journey”.  The pavement artist is shown as a metaphorical representation of Gustad as both are seen as individuals who are unable to adapt to change in their lifestyles. While Gustad who is used to a simple life cannot accept that change is inevitable, the pavement artist is uses to a life of change and constantly moving cannot accept a life of bonds, home or family. He cannot accept the idea of being tied down. This sonnet focuses at the time that the pavement artist comes to Khodadad Building to paint the wall, in hope to revere the wall. As the pavement artist paints the wall, he starts to grow more and more attached to the building and the people, namely Gustad. In him, starts to grow a want for family, for roots, for home. And since he does not easily adapt to this change, it leaves him confused, disturbed and in a dilemma.

        In the first stanza of “A Cycle of Change”, readers get an idea of the artist’s way of life as it describes his methods of drawing, what he draws about, what happens to the drawings and how he moves on from project to another. The second stanza is about how the artist is so used to this life of change and how deep inside a small part of him does yearn for permanence and roots but he’s very afraid of this change and angry at himself for feeling the smallest need for this change. The third stanza gives the reader a small description of his job at Khodadad Building and how it starts to cause the greatest needs for home and family in him. The couplet in the end describes change and the oxymoron of the artist’s mind, the choice he is unable to make and how’s he’s unhappy being happy at Khodadad Building.

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        In the first line of “A Cycle of Change”, anaphora is used when describing how the painter paints or draws his painting. The use of the anaphora acts as the beginning of the sonnet and it introduces the readers to the painter. It also draws the reader into the sonnet as it a very poetic device and makes the phrase sound light and musical. Anaphora is again used in the third line with the some being repeated in the beginning of each sentence.  This is to emphasize the many reasons that the artist is so used his life of ...

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