A Doll’s House-Personal Response        

        After looking at the ending of the play “A Doll’s House” I felt disappointed. I felt as if Nora made a bad decision by loving Torvald and the kids. In my opinion, I think that Nora acted very selfishly. She didn’t think of what would happen to Torvald and her kids if she left. She was just thinking about what she wanted, and not what others wanted.

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        By leaving her kids, Nora is doing more bad than good. Even though she thinks that she is poisoning the children, and she should leave them. In my opinion she is poisoning the kids just by leaving them. This is because once Nora leaves, the kids will have to grow without a mother. It would be fine if she left when the kids were too small to realize what a mother was. But both of them are old enough to know who Nora is, and they are both old enough that in the future they will miss her.

        But I ...

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