Freedom. The U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights bestow Americans freedoms and rights. I think today people are more likely to know the most popular songs, than the freedoms the Bill of Rights grants them. We cannot protect something that we do not u

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Freedom in our time

In times of war or in times of peace, in prosperity and in difficulty, United States has always seen from abroad as the embodiment of liberty. This has been the nation that, with its mistakes and wise moves, has eagerly defended freedom in the world. In spite of how different we might seem because of our skin colors, religions or backgrounds, freedom is the value that we all cherish most in our lives and it permeates every aspect of our society.

Throughout history, many American men and women have valiantly fought and died for their freedom and the freedom of others. Like the American patriot Patrick Henry declared in his speech in 1775 “Give me liberty or give me death”, he wanted to let people know that he would rather die than live under tyranny and oppression.  

In the seventeenth century in Europe, there was no religious freedom, Jews were persecuted in the old world and in England you belonged to the Church of the country or you went to jail. Immigrants came from across the globe in the nineteenth century to be free from religious oppression; they came to America, the country where a man could be himself. Albert Einstein, who emigrated from Germany in 1933, stated that “as long as he had any choice, he would stay in a country where political liberty, toleration and equality of all citizens before the law were the role” (56). 

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Freedom is the ability to act as you choose; it is the right to do as one pleases, but always keeping in mind the popular saying of “my rights end when yours begin”.  We have to respect the freedoms of others. Even if we do not agree with some people’s opinions, we still should respect and listen to them.

But the truth is no one is absolutely free, government and even ourselves set limits to our freedom. In our daily life, we stress out over many things such as our jobs, careers, family and more; we live afraid of ...

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