Lord of the Flies Chapter Questions

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Lord of the Flies Chapter Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Name and describe the first two characters we meet.

The first two characters we meet are called Ralph and Piggy. Ralph is more of a leader; he is skinny and somehow strong. While Piggy is a chubby, fat, intellectual and wears glasses.

  1. What do the two boys discover in their exploration? To what use they put to it?

During their exploration they discover a large pink and cream-colored conch, Piggy realizes it could be used as a kind of trumpet. Convinced by the sound of the trumpet they decide to blow in it looking for inhabitants in the island that could hear it. Finally they use the conch for the right of speaking during a group meeting.

  1. Who is the elected leader?

Ralph gets elected leader, although all the choir boys voted for Jack.

  1. How is the division of labor arranged?

Ralph being the leader decides that the choir boys and Jack should be the hunters. He also decides that Jack and a choir member, Simon to explore the island.

  1. What takes place when Jack, Ralph and Simon find a piglet caught in the brush? What effect does the encounter have on Jack?

When Jack, Ralph and Simon walk back after exploring the island, they find a piglet; Jack being the leader of the hunters grabs his knife and steps to kill the pig but hesitates. Somehow the pig manages to escape. Jack promises that the next time he won’t hesitate in killing a pig.

  1. What differences beside the physical ones, are apparent between Ralph and Piggy?

Ralph and Piggy have definitely different personalities, Ralph has a leader personality, he is fearless and somehow responsible. While Piggy seems to be the bullied guy on the gang, he is intelligent, nervous and is the type of guy who will miss his daddy and mommy.

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Chapter Two

  1. What rule does Ralph lay down at the first assembly?

In the first assembly, Ralph states that in every single meeting the one who holds the shell will have the right to speak, while the others must be patiently waiting and listening the one who holds the shell. Jack and the others agree.

  1. What does the frightened boy tell the group, and how does it affect them?

One of the smaller boys tells the group that he saw a snake monster “beastie”. Immediately most of the smaller boys frighten themselves. But the bigger boys assure that ...

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