Rugby report Italian translation.

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It was a warm Sunday afternoon, and finally the rugby game we were most afraid of had arrived. We were facing the strongest team in the league which had lost only one game, as our team had lost five games. We had trained very hard for this game because we knew that it was going to be difficult, not only to win but to score one touchdown. We trained physicaly and mentaly for two weeks untill we were exhausted, but this was the moment to prove it.

As we entered one could already notice that the game  was one sided, they were giants compared to us but there was no turning back. The game started and they started attacking with great force and we could not stop them, they were too strong. In the first thirty minutes they had skored thirty nine points but we did not give up. We mannaged to attack and my team mate passed me a brilliant ball and I rushed to the scoring line and mannaged to score three points for my team. As this happened the team realized that we could still win this game and as the final whistle was blown, we mannaged to get a draw.

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This was the luckiest game we had because we mannaged to get a draw against the strongest team in our league.

E 'stato un pomeriggio caldo Domenica, e infine la partita di rugby siamo stati più pauraera arrivato. Eravamo di fronte alla squadra più forte del campionato che aveva persosolo una partita, come la nostra squadra aveva perso cinque partite. Avevamo preparatomolto per questo gioco, perché sapevamo che sarebbe stato difficile, non solo per vincere, ma per segnare un touchdown. Ci siamo allenati physicaly e mentaly per due settimane fino a quando eravamo esausti, ma questo era il momento di dimostrarlo.
Come siamo entrati si può già notare che il gioco è stato unilaterale, erano gigantirispetto a noi ma non c'era più tornare indietro. La partita è iniziata e hanno iniziato ad attaccare con grande forza e non siamo riusciti a fermarli, erano troppo forti. Nei primi 30 minuti avevano segnato 39 punti ma non si arrese. Abbiamo finalmente attaccato e il miocompagno ...

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