Setting - Russia - Paradise of the Blind

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The Social and economic background of this story is that of poverty and a stark difference between the upper class and the lower class (“exported workers”). The geography of Russia is sparsely populated, wide, open space. Travel is difficult. The climate is extremely cold, but also extremely beautiful. The characters in this story are: Madame Vera, the roommates, and Hang. They are affected by the setting in the way they interact, in their health and travel, and in their own emotional well-being. The atmosphere in this story is one of hopelessness and fatigue,  and the tone indicates the author’s condemnation of the conditions that workers such as Hang were subjected to during the communist regime of the Soviet Union.

Hang is poor. She lives in shared accommodation, with other girls who are equally poor, and all of them live in conditions of hard labour. They are preoccupied by money because of their poverty, counting the price of everything. There is a distinct difference of wealth in the society, where the rich consider the poor with disdain. As Hang steps onto train, she brushes past a wealthy lady and is received with a glare. Her apology is ignored, and the author makes a parallel between the wealthy girl’s healthy figure, luxurious attire, and arrogant posture; and Hang’s own mouse-like frame, anxious and sick, wearing cheap clothing and starving.

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Huong describes Russia’s geography most effectively through Hang’s train ride to Moscow. She depicts wide spaces, many, uniform trees as far as the eye could see, and extreme cold; as well as extreme beauty in the snowy landscape that “pierced [Hang’s] soul like sorrow.”(82)

Madame Vera can be nasty, but cares for the girls. Her personality has been twisted by misery in losing her husband in the war, causing her to have a murderous temper “common to Russian war widows”(15), but she shows tenderness to Hang. This is most notable when she lends Hang a shawl that she had ...

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