Finding My Voice

        My best friend has a beautiful voice. When she sings, it’s as if the clouds have opened up on a rainy day and suddenly the sun is shining. Everybody, strangers and acquaintances alike, always stops whatever they are doing to listen to her angelic voice. Being the best friend of an angelic voice is not easy. As a child, I was always the inferior one, the less perfect one. It didn’t help that she was aware of her superiority and exercised it at all times. When we played, she was always the princess and I was always her maid, she was always the hero and I was always the sidekick. Growing up in her shadow, I was always too afraid to stand up to her, too afraid to sing. When I tried to sing along with her, my voice sounded like a discordant organ in comparison to her flutelike voice.

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        I eventually stopped singing in public altogether, only allowing myself to sing in the shower where nobody else could hear me. Whenever she sang, I sat there, mute, and just waited for her to finish, never joining in. I had little to no self-confidence, not just vocally but in all other aspects of my life as well. I was too afraid of rejection to voice my opinions, my thoughts, my feelings, even to my best friend.

        To make up for my lack of vocal ability, I took up piano, guitar, and violin. Learning three instruments, I inevitably developed a ...

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