English A2/HLCaterina Coluccia Triple Entry Journal Original Text(Page 87 –middle page)Changed TextJustifications-Hugh Ballybeg. Burnfoot. Kings Head. Whiteplains. Fair Hill. Dunboy. Green Bank.Owen snatches the book from Hugh.-Owen I’ll take that. (in apology) It’s only a catalogue of names.-Hugh I know what it is.-Owen A mistake – my mistake – nothing to do with us. I hope that’s (tea) strong enough. (He throws the book on the table and crosses over to Jimmy.) Jimmy. Wake up, Jimmy. Wake up, man.-Jimmy What – what – what?-Owen Here. Drink this. Then go on away home. There may be trouble. Do you hear me, Jimmy? There may be trouble.-Hugh (indicating Name-Book) We must learn those new names.-Owen (searching around) Did you see a sack lying about?-Hugh We must learn where we live. We must learn to make them our own. We must make them our new home.Owen finds a sack and throws it across his shoulders.-Owen I know where I live.-Hugh James thinks he knows, too. I look at James and three thoughts occur to me: A –that it is not the literal past, the ‘facts’ of history, that shape us, but
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images of the past embodied in language. James had ceased to make that discrimination.-Owen Don’t lecture me, Father.-Hugh B – we must never cease renewing those images; because once we do, we fossilise. Is there no soda bread?  -Owen And C, Father – one single, unalterable ‘fact’: if Yolland is not found, we are all going to be evicted. Lancey had issued the order.-Hugh Ah. Edictum imperatoris.-Owen You should change out of those wet clothes. I’ve got to go. I’ve go to see Doalty Dan Doalty.-Hugh What about?-Owen I’ll be back soon.-Federico Rome. Milan. Florence. Naples. Venice. Turin. Genoa.  Roberto ...

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