Essay on Russells paradox and Incompleteness theorem

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                                                              Neil Sanghrajka

Essay on Russell’s paradox and Incompleteness theorem

For me mathematics is like a tall building, and from time to time mathematicians create new floors of formulas and theorems. A new floor cannot be built without a previous floor, similarly in Mathematics new theorems rely on deductive reasoning using previous knowledge. Mathematics is an axiomatic system; these “truths” build the foundation of the field. However Russell’s paradox and the incompleteness theorem state that the very foundation of mathematics is inconsistent. Russell’s paradox shows an inconsistency in one of the axioms of the set theory. This example shows how mathematics fails the coherent truth test. The coherent truth test states that the premise for deductive reasoning must be logically consistent. Russell’s paradox gives an example of the incompleteness of mathematics.

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Gödel’s incompleteness theorem says that any axiomatic system cannot be complete and consistent at the same time. Using deductive reasoning, we may reach a point where a mathematical statement can neither be proved nor disproved. This is a simpler interpretation of the incompleteness theorem. To prove or disprove a statement, axioms are used in the proof. However if there is an inconsistency in the axiom itself, the proof can never be definite. An example is the set of all even natural numbers is infinite, and the set of all natural numbers is infinite. However the set of all natural numbers ...

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