Investigating types of logarithms

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Table 1: Adding logarithms


The general statement would therefore be


, this will be validated in the following tables

Validation of general rule by examining the base*

*? is used to represent any value

Validation of general rule through the examination of the number while keeping the bases the same positive integer

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It is important to take note of the scope and limitations of the general statement, to find out in what condition the general statement does and does not work.


The base cannot be negative, must be above zero, but cannot equal to 1.

The number cannot be negative, must be above zero, can equal to 1.

Therefore, in mathematical terms, the domains are
Base –
a: 0<a≤∞

Number – M: 0<M≤∞

        N: 0<N≤∞

Only works if the base is the same.

Table 2: Subtracting logarithms

 Therefore, through my observations, I hypothesise that my general rule ...

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