MATH IB SL INT ASS1 - Pascal's Triangle

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Describe how to find the numerator of the sixth row:

First of all there is an obvious pattern within this triangle: Each row has always the same numerator, which is therefore specific for each row.

Figure 1: Pascal’s fraction triangle (with a specific numerator for each row).

Let n be the number of each row in this triangle, starting with n = 1.

Let the numerator of each row be Xn, whereby n stands for the number of the row.

The numerator Xn can be calculated as follows:

Take the numerator of the previous row (Xn-1) and add n to it. Consequently the general formula is:

Xn = n + Xn-1

For example, if you want to calculate the numerator of the 6th row, you have to add 6 to the numerator of the 5th row = 15:

Consequently the numerator of the 6th row is 21.

X6 = 6 + 15 = 21

Using technology, plot the relation between the row umber, n, and the numerator in each row. Describe what you notice from your plot and write a general statement to represent this.

First of all, I listed up all the known numerators, to receive an indication how they behave with the increasing value of n.

Figure 2: Table of the specific numerators for the first nine rows.

Apparently we have a non-linear slope, because the difference between Xn and Xn-1 enlarges with increasing n.

Afterwards, the data was plotted in a diagram.

Figure 3: Numerator dependent to the specific row shown in a diagram.

It is obvious that the numerators increase non-linear with the row number. This leads to the fact that the values are arranged in a parabolic form. Therefore, it should be possible to find a general formula to describe this data.

In order to do so I calculated a line of best fit with a GTR. This line is shown in the diagram below:

Figure 4: General formula, which describes Xn

The formula for this graph is:

f(x) = 0.5x² + 0.5x + 0                        

if this is true

f(x) = Xn and x = n

Therefore we can write:

Xn = 0.5n² + 0.5n

This is the general formula for the numerator.

You can also calculate this formula by using a linear system:

We assume that it is a function with the general formula ax² + bx + c.

The graph has to fulfill specific terms:

f(1) = 1

f(3) = 3

f(6) = 6


f(x) = a1² + b1 + c = 1

f(x) = a2² + b2 + c = 3

f(x) = a3² + b3 + c = 6

This leads us to the following linear system:

ǀ a1² + b1 + 1c = 1 ǀ

ǀ a2² + b2 + 1c = 3 ǀ

ǀ a3² + b3 + 1c = 6 ǀ

Solving this linear system with a GTR, I gives the following results:

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f(x) = 0.5x² + 0.5x + 0

As one can see, this is the same formula as we calculated before.

Afterwards I tested the validity of the general formula by calculating some y-values which represent Xn. The x-values which I inserted in the general formula represent n. Furthermore I created a table with the calculated y-values to compare it with the table above (Fig. 2).

Figure 5: Xn calculated with the general formula

When we compare the two tables (Fig. 2 and Fig. 5) we can state that the values for ...

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