Maths Coursework on Integration

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Maths Coursework

Falk Konstantin Luebbe

Shady Areas

SL Type 1


In this coursework we are trying to find a way to approximate the area under a curve using trapeziums. In order to do this we are searching for a formula to express the approximation of the area using n numbers of trapeziums

Consider the function. (Graph below)

The diagram above shows the graph of g. In order to find an approximate area under the curve between the x values 0 and 1 we are going to use the trapezium rule. We are going to start with two trapeziums, add them together to find the approximate area under the curve.

To find the area of a trapezium we will use the formula.

In order to find h the length of the area, which is 1, is dived by the number of trapeziums used. Hence,


In order to find the heights a and c for the first- and a and c for the second trapezium assuming that c of the first and a of the second are equal, we’ll use the equation of the graph ().

The three different heights, or y-values, can be expressed by

g(0), g(0.5), g(1)

Now, in order to find the corresponding y-values, we’ll insert the three x-values into the equation.


Now we’ve got the corresponding heights and are able to calculate the approximate area under the curve

The formula for the area under the curve in this case would be:

Since c1 equals a2 we can state the following assuming that a is always the first height, c1,2,3… the heights used by two trapeziums and b the last height. This of course assumes as well that a,b and c are already calculated y-values (or heights) of the trapeziums.



Inserting the values of the different heights and h gives:


We are now going to increase the number of trapeziums to 5 to find the approximate area under the curve.

First, we need to state the data:

To state the six heights, or y-values, of the different trapeziums, we have to express them in the following way:

g(0), g(0.2), g(0.4), g(0.6), g(0.8), g(1)


Applying the formulaas a formula for 2 trapeziums we can state the formula for 5 trapeziums. We can see that we always have to calculate one more y-value than the number of trapeziums. In this case it would be six heights, a start height, a final height and n (trapeziums)-2 heights that are calculated each in two trapeziums. We have hence created a provisional formula for the approximate. This gives the following formula for 5 trapeziums

      The formula can then be simplified:

Inserting the values for h and the different heights gives:

Looking at the results for the approximate area under the curve using two and five trapeziums we can see that the area at 5 trapeziums is a bit smaller. This is due to increased accuracy since not as much area on top of the curve is calculated as with two trapeziums.

In order to investigate if our theory is true we are going to do three examples with increased numbers of trapeziums. Instead of calculating the area by hand we are going to use autograph which will calculate the area under the curve for us.

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We are going to start with 10 trapeziums:

Autograph gives us a result of 3.335 for the graph of using 10 trapeziums. This is already a bit smaller/more accurate.

We are going to continue with 25 trapeziums:

Autograph gives us a result of 3.334.

50 trapeziums:

Autograph gives us a result of 3.333:

100 trapeziums:

Autograph gives us a result of 3.333

Looking at the different results we notice that the way how the number of trapeziums affects the accuracy of the measurement ...

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