Shady Areas. In this investigation you will attempt to find a rule to approximate the area under a curve (i.e. between the curve and the x-axis) using trapeziums (trapezoids). Consider the function g(x) = x2 + 3

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In this investigation you will attempt to find a rule to approximate the area under a curve (i.e. between the curve and the x-axis) using trapeziums (trapezoids).

Consider the function g(x) = x2 + 3

The diagram below shows the graph of g.  The area under this curve from x = 0 to x = 1 is approximated by the sum of the area of two trapeziums.  Find this approximation.

In this investigation I will attempt to find the approximate area under a curve (i.e. between the curve and the x-axis) using trapeziums (trapezoids).

The area of a trapezoid can be expressed as:

A= (1/2)(b)(h1+h2)


                b is the length of the base of the trapezium along the x-axis

        h1 is the vertical length (height) of one side on the trapzium, the equivalent y- value for one of the endpoints on the base

h2 is the other height of the trapezium for which it is the corresponding y-value for the second endpoint of the base.

A is the area of a specific trapezium in units squared.

The total area underneath the curve can be expressed as:



TA is the total area (or sum) of the two trapeziums, which is equivalent to the approximated area underneath the curve, in units squared.

AA is the estimated, calculated area of the trapezium labeled as A, in units squared.

AB is the estimated, calculated area of the trapezium labeled as B, in units squared.

In order to determine the individual area of each trapezium, the length of each base has to be estimated, since only the overall domain [0, 1] is given. Here, an assumption is being made that the domain was cut in half when dividing the area underneath the curve, which would result in both trapeziums sharing an equal base length of 0.5.

TRAPEZIUM A [0, 0.5]:

  1. h1:  g(x) = x2 + 3

g(0) = (0)2 + 3

= 3

  1. h2: g(x) = x2 + 3

g(0.5) = (0.5)2 + 3

= 3.25

  1. b = 0.5
  2. AA = (1/2) (b) (h1 + h2)

=(1/2) (0.5) (3 + 3.25)
= 1.5625


TA= 1.5625 + 1.8125

TA= 3.375

Increase the number of trapeziums to five and find a second approximation for the area.

In the next part, the number of trapeziums has increased to five and the goal is to find a second approximation for the area. The same techniques and equations will be used in the calculations. It is predicted that since there are more trapeziums, the predicted area will be closer to the actual area (more precise).

However, since there are more trapeziums, the equation for the total area is now:

TA= AA + AB + AC + AD + AE


TA is the total area (or sum) of the five trapeziums, which is equivalent to the approximated area underneath the curve, in units squared.

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AA is the approximated area for trapezium A, in units squared

AB is the approximated area for trapezium B, in units squared

AC is the approximated area for trapezium C, in units squared

AD is the approximated area for trapezium D, in units squared

AE is the approximated area for trapezium E, in units squared


Again an assumption must be made in regards to the length of the bases for each of the individual trapeziums. It is being postulated that, like before, the domain [0, 1] is divided equally between the five bases resulting in ...

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