International Baccalaureate Diploma

The Sultan's School


Candidate Name: Tamim Al-Tamimi


Introduction                                                                3

Triangular numbers                                                4

Stellar Numbers                                                        7

6 stellar numbers                                                7

5 stellar numbers                                                10

General Statement                                                12


In this portfolio, I am going to show the expressions of general patterns and numbers for stellar and triangular numbers.

The aim of this portfolio is to “consider geometric shapes which lead to special numbers”.

Triangular shapes were imported from the internet and edited by paint program. 6-stellar diagrams were imported from Google images and edited by paint.      5-stellar shapes were created by paint program.

All the graphs are created by the online program .

Triangular numbers

The first type of numbers we are considering are triangular numbers. This table shows the first 5 terms of triangular numbers.

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We can calculate the  term by adding  to the previous number of dots. For example, the value for  equals to 15 +6 which is 21. The same applies for the other values of .

The next three terms are represented by this diagram:

When we want to find the expression for this sequence, we have to know which difference is constant.

Seq.:                 1,        3,        6,        10,        15…

1st diff.:        2        3        4        5…

2nd diff.:        1        1        1…

We found from the above that the second difference is constant. Therefore the expression will be . We can know the coefficient of the  by dividing the 2nd difference by 2 and the ...

This is a preview of the whole essay