Articles on Bolivias Turmoil

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Juan Casares

Mr. Grzywacz


Articles on Bolivia’s Turmoil

Problem: Bolivia is perhaps one of the poorest nations in the world. Although it is rich in land and resources, it has endured wrong governance for too long. Its economy has been completely devastated over time because of corrupt presidencies, extortion among social classes and unhelpful neighbors. Thus, most people live under extreme poverty and hunger.

There is a minority of wealthy (European descendant) people that form the powerful class. This so-called powerful class has been ruling Bolivia for the past decades. This social class makes up merely 25 % of Bolivian people whilst the other 75% is composed by indigenous and poor people. Since the gap between the wealthy and the poor is so exaggerated, the wealthy people rule over the poor people.  Thus, the vast majority of Bolivians (75%) are resentful towards people who are and have historically been socially and economically powerful. These poor people believe that they have been under extortion for a prolonged period of time. Although this is true to a certain extent, it does not apply to the problems that were started because of this resentment.

The problems root back to 2005 when Evo Morales became the first Aymara Indian president of Bolivia voted by over a 50% of the population. Previously, Evo had been the leader of protesting group. He became part of a party called MAS and conducted a series of protests and marches across Bolivia destroying roads and giving messages of hatred towards the powerful social class. The purposes of his movements were to fight for poverty and to gain popularity among the majority of Bolivians (75%). The marches worked. Evo soon became popular enough to postulate himself as a candidate for president. When Carlos Mesa (former president) was taken from charge, Evo began a massive campaign. In the elections of 2005, Evo won by over a 50%. Most indigenous people voted him because he represented the “pueblo boliviano” (Bolivian people). He promised to “resolve problems” by taking the “extra” money from the wealthy people. His job was “to take care of the poor.” His radical ideas were influenced by Chavez (Venezuelan president). Evo became Chavez’s puppet and Bolivia’s economy became severely affected by his decisions. Since Chavez nationalized many Venezuelan companies, Evo did the same with Bolivian companies (primarily oil companies) and he plunged Bolivian economy. Evo attempted to nationalize most of the companies in Bolivia: TV cable companies, radio companies, phone companies, airplane companies, banks etc. Most of these businesses belonged to the wealthy people and provided work for the indigenous people. When Evo attempted to nationalize the businesses, the shareholders (owners) did not allow it. Therefore, the first confrontations began. In January 2007, both parties, the MASISTAS (indigenous people who supported Evo’s party, el MAS) and the wealthy business owners confronted Cochabamba with rocks and sticks. Two people died and more than two hundred were wounded. It became clear that the problem was just starting.

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After a series of wrong decisions and no visible solutions regarding Bolivian economy, Evo’s supporters began to foster their resentment towards the wealthy people because they believed that Evo’s plans were not effective because the wealthy people did not abide. Thus, the real problems started. Confrontations became much more intense and bared an increasing number of casualties from both sides. In a lapse of one year, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (city with majority of habitants opposing Evo’s reforms) performed two petitions for autonomy with more than two million people voting against Evo’s reforms. Evo ignored the petitions stating that ...

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