Body Moving With constant acceleration

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Physics Laboratory Report

  • Research Question-

To study the uniform acceleration of a body over an inclined track.

  • Introduction-

All bodies when under the influence of a force undergo a certain amount of acceleration, whether the body is in motion or is at rest. In this laboratory experiment, I will study the acceleration that a ball of a very miniscule mass acquires when it is rolled down an inclined plane. I will calculate out the acceleration on a body using the Second Law of Motion. The equation is:

As the body is starting from rest, the first party of the equation can be ruled out. The independent variable is distance traveled by the ball ‘s’, and the dependent variable is time ‘t’. the controls are the inclination of the apparatus from the table, the mass of the ball and acceleration due to gravity. The experiment has been performed at room temperature, assuming the atmospheric pressure to be 1 atmosphere.

  • Hypothesis-

Having all the variables in place I think that the experiment will go off well. The apparatus will not be much affected by the temperature or the pressure as these factors have no direct relation to the focus of study of this experiment. The ball is also of not very high mass and so the apparatus should not give a very high degree of acceleration. Also the grooved rod is of uniform width and thickness throughout, so the data collected will be of good quality.

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  • Theory-

The velocity of a uniformly accelerated body changes equally in equal interval of time. Keeping this statement in mind I will proceed with this experiment. As the body is starting from rest, the following equation will hold true:

Using simple algebra, we arrive at the following conclusion that the value of acceleration will be calculated out by the following equation:

We infer from this equation that as ‘s’ is the independent variable, it will be plotted on the x- axis of the graph and ‘t2’ on the y axis. Thus the final value will ...

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