Boyle's law report (DCP, CE)

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Boyle’s Law Lab

Aim: To investigate the relationship between Volume and Pressure of a fixed amount of gas


Data collection
Fixed amount of gas is 25ml = ± 1ml at 102 kPa (room pressure)

Raw Data

The Random uncertainty was found by half of the range of the repeats.

Eg. the random uncertainty of pressure of gas when volume of gas is 10

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Uncertainty with measuring volume with syringe is taken to the smallest division of the measuring scale, which is ±1ml.

Data processing


The S.I.unit for volume of gas is dm3. To transform volume of gas from ml to dm3 I have to divide the values by 1000. Eg. 10cm3 ×=0.010 dm3.

Processed Data

Processed data graph

- The error bars for the random uncertainty for pressure is 1.4, which is so small that it is negligible in the graph.

- From the raw data graph, the line of best fit does not pass through ...

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