Goal: To visualize an electric potential interaction between two electrodes and to sketch the resulting configuration as it creates a 2-dimensional electric field that can be used to map 2-D, equipotential lines.

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Lab 4: Electric Field Mapping

Goal: To visualize an electric potential interaction between two electrodes and to sketch the resulting configuration as it creates a 2-dimensional electric field that can be used to map 2-D, equipotential lines.  

Method: With an electric potential meter (also known as a volt meter or Galvanometer),  find points on the paper that have no potential difference between them, where the voltage reads at 0. Using a battery and a voltmeter, take a mapping board, a U-shaped probe, two clear plastic templates, and five different plates of various designs and create a mapping board that will take the design that has been lined up with the screw holes, and connect it to a battery, and using a piece of graph paper, trace the resulting equipotential lines with a design template to provide a frame of reference for the electric field that is being produced for the template. Using the probe, lightly slide it over the board ball end on the underside and connect one lead wire of the voltmeter to it. Then connect the other lead (the one besides the black one) to the banana jack numbered E1. As you guide the probe along, without applying pressure, when you find a null point where the voltmeter reads 0 volts, then mark it as it is a point with the same potential as E1. Continue to mark points until you have enough to trace an equipotential line, repeat this from jack E1 through E7. Do this procedure of E1 through E7 for each of the five given plates: parallel plate, two point, point and plate, Faraday ice pail, and insulator and conductor in a field. After getting five separate pages for each plate, add E-field lines to each diagram remembering that electric field lines run perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces and those electric field lines will never cross one another. Make sure to give the direction of your E-field lines and label which pole is positive, and which is negative on the sketches.

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Data and results:

Parallel Plate

Two Point

Point and Plate

Faraday Ice Pail

Insulator and Conductor in a Field

Analysis: The reason why equipotential lines near a conductor’s surface are parallel to it is because when there is a charged surface, as it is along the conductor’s surface, it makes it so that the electric field lines go parallel to it. As voltage goes up along the electric field lines, there will always be points that are parallel to these lines at which there is no voltage, or rather the equipotential line shows up ...

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