Gravity lab using mass and force meters

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Cem Ozer 11H

g Using Masses and Force Meters Lab Report 


Our aim is to find the gravitational field strength for this area.


Gravitational field strength, g, is the force acting on a mass at a point in a gravitational field.

The units of g are Nkg-1 or ms-2.

Weight, W, relates to g and mass, m by:  W = mg or g = W/m

If we assess our masses and the forces acting on them (correctly), afterwards put them on a weight vs. mass graph, then, our data points will form a straight line and the slope of the line will give us the g.

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Experimental Procedure:

  1. We got our force meter, 10 100g masses and a stand to put our force meter on.
  2. I hooked the force meter on to the stand and hanged the 100g mass, while my partner measured the value on the force meter.
  3. We repeated the process by adding another 100g mass each turn.
  4. We finished the process and formed a data table.
  5. Then we added an average point to our data table.
  6. Later, we graphed our data’s and drew our min, max and best lines.
  7. We calculated our slopes.

Independent Variable:   

  • Mass

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