How does the period of the mass - spring system depend on the mass ?

Authors Avatar by bbga (student)

IB Physics

Title: Mass Spring System

Research Question: How does the period of the mass - spring system depend on the mass ?


Variables: Independent variable in this experiment was the mass.

Dependent variable of this system is the Period.

Control Variable of the system is the spring constant if the same spring was used and temperature is a also another controlled variable which can affect the system.


  • Attach a spring to the clamp
  • select the different weights that you are going to be using in the experiment
  • make a table that can record three trial of each mass and also the amount of the spring stretches when the mass is hung from the spring.
  • push the spring up until it starts bending and then let it go and you can start counting anytime you want but quickly for 10 oscillations and record how long it takes to complete the cycle 4 times
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Original length of spring 76.5cm ±0.3

Data Processing: 

Calculating the Average

Average time of 20g ±1 = (3.73s ± 0.3 + 3.30s ± 0.3 + 3.69s ± 0.3 + 3.43s ± 0.3)/4 = 3.54s ±0.3

Average time of 40g ±2 = (4.59s ± 0.3 + 4.59s ± 0.3 + 4.45s ± 0.3 + 4.66s ± 0.3)/4 = 4.57s ±0.3

Average time of 100g ±1 = (6.84s ± 0.3 + 6.88s ± 0.3 + 6.70s ± 0.3 + 6.85s ± 0.3)/4 = 6.82s ±0.3

Average time of 200g ±1 = (9.32s ± 0.3 + 9.57s ± 0.3 + 9.80s ± 0.3 + 9.78s ± 0.3)/4 = 9.62s ...

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