Practical 11 Hydro Power Simulation                            Samed Nakhla


When water flows from the reservoir (bottle) to the end of the pipe PE is converted to KE, this causes the water to squirt out of the pipe with velocity v falling in the parabolic path shown in the diagram below.


Applying the law of conservation of energy to a mass m of water

The water falls with uniform acceleration, applying the equations of uniform acceleration to the vertical motion:

The horizontal velocity of the water is constant therefore:

Substituting for t gives

Substituting into the energy equation gives


By measuring the height of the top of the water in the bottle and the distance squirted by the water confirm this relationship and find y.  

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Below in the table of data we have 5 different measurements, and each measurement is repeated 5 times.

The uncertainty in Height is estimated to be ± 0.001(M), as it is the last decimal number of the height measurements.

Displacement (S) Uncertainty is attained by subtracting the smallest measured Displacement from the biggest measured one, and then by dividing the difference by 2, we get the uncertainty in Displacement, and we can see that 4 of the Displacement measurements have the same uncertainty.

S: Displacement/ M: Meter





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