Mass of different balls affecting velocity

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Kien Vu

Mass of different balls effecting velocity.


In this experiment, I am going to relate the mass of different balls with the velocity

My variables are the mass of the balls, the velocity, gravity, height and bouncing surface.

The only dependent variable is the velocity, because it is dependent on the mass of the balls.

The independent variables are height, gravity, bouncing surface and mass of the balls. So to control the independent variable, I try to drop the ball from a constant height. We have gravitation which is a constant (g=9.81ms^2). Bouncing surface is not significance and I will drop the ball on the same surface. Also the mass of the balls will be controlled by changing its mass.

The relation I want to investigate with velocity and mass is relating to momentum. Since momentum of an object is defined as the product of its mass and its velocity (according to what we have learn in class) . This shows that mass and velocity is proportional with each other. So my idea is to check this definition through this experiment.

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The equipments I want to use would be different kind of balls with different masses, an instrument that can measure the velocity of the bouncing ball, an apparatus that can hold and  drop the ball from the same height every time, a weight and a ruler.

The method to do this experiment is to drop different balls at the same height. I need to drop the balls with different masses and than I will measure the velocity using data logger. I will use three different balls with different masses and drop it five teams to get sufficient data.


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