Unknown Metal Lab

Purpose: To find the specific heat of an unknown metal.


  • Water
  • Hot plate
  • Metal tongs
  • Temperature Probe
  • Scale
  • Calorimeter
  • Glass cup
  • Metal Substance



First, weight the metal substance and record it’s mass. Then weigh the cup, first without water and then with the room temperature water. This data will be used later in the calculations. Next, add water into glass cup and and calorimeter. Place the glass cup on the hot plate. Leave the water on hot plate until boiling. Measure temperature and record it. Next, place the metal substance in the boiling water. The water will probably stop boiling. Wait until the water begins boiling again and reaches the same temperature as it was before the metal object was placed in the water. Measure the temperature of the water in the calorimeter. Place the metal substance in the calorimeter. Allow cooling until the temperature ceases to change and record this temperature.

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Uncertainty: +/- 0.0005

Uncertainty: +/- .5

Data Analysis:

The specific heat formula is as follows:

        c = Q/(m*(change)T)


        c: is the specific heat. Units: J/(kg*K)

        Q: is the heat. Units: J

        (change)T: is the Change in temperature. Units: K

To solve for the specific heat, this equation must be set equal to Q, as shown below:

        Q = c*m*(change)T

Next, the heat of the metal and the heat of the water are set equal to each other, and the equation can be solved with the information gathered:

-Qm = Qw


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