An Investigation of the Effect the Presence of Different Genres of Music Have on Reaction Rate to Visual Stimulus

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Aylin Huzmeli

IB Biology

Mr. Steve


An Investigation of the Effect the Presence of Different Genres of Music Have on Reaction Rate to Visual Stimulus


There are many parts concerning the response to a stimulus. A stimulus is any change in the environment which is detected by a receptor and a response is the change in the organism due to that stimulus. The pathway in which a response occurs is comprised of many parts. First a stimulus is detected by a receptor which transforms the stimuli into a nerve impulse. A sensory neuron will connect the receptor to the central nervous system and the neuron travels along its axon. A motor neuron will than carry the impulse from the central nervous system to an effector (muscles or glands) which causes the response in the organism. The time it takes to react to a stimulus is the reaction rate and includes both the reaction time (involves attention resources and processing information) and the movement time (the time it takes for muscles to move.  There are different factors that can affect the reaction rate by influencing the attention of an organism.

Research Question: What effect does the presence of different types of music such as heavy metal and classical music have on reaction rate compared to no presence of music?

Purpose: to compare the effect of heavy metal and classical music on reaction rate

Independent Variable: Presence of music such as heavy metal and classical (songs provided by YouTube)

Dependent Variable: Reaction rate (test measuring time it takes to click mouse once colour of object has changed from red to green via an online test)

Constant Variables:

  • Same songs played
  • Both songs that subject would not know
  • Same test to measure reaction rate
  • Area in which experiment is being conducted must be very quiet and with no possible distractions such as people moving or other sounds
  • Volume of music
  • Time in which music in played and test beings
  • Same headphones

Hypothesis: The rate at which subjects click the mouse (reaction time) will be affected with the presence of music, and will be slower with heavy metal and faster with classical music because music, especially heavy metal, is a distraction to the subject’s attention.

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1 Heavy metal song
1 Classical song


The subjects underwent an online reaction rate test that determined their response to a change in visual stimuli (they have to click the mouse once the light on the screen changes from red to green). Before beginning the trials, the procedure of the test was explained to them and they were allowed a practice test to familiarize them with the procedure of the test and what they were expected to do. Each subject underwent 5 trials for each 3 conditions: presence of no music, heavy metal, and classical. 5 trials were conducted with ...

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